The Art of Kinky Kissing

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland Anmeldung/registration: If you have enjoyed „The Art of Kissing“, you might want to go on this journey, too. In Part II, we will dive deeper into using kissing in BDSM. And this time, there will be some techniques to learn, more dynamics to explore and more communication about boundaries and desires. In play, […]

The Art of Kissing

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland The Art of Kissing Do you love kissing and want to dive deeper into it? Or do you have no clue why people are so keen on this, but you are willing to give it another try? Do you kiss as a habit, but feel, like there could be more to explore? Did you […]

Fortbildung: Lust und Konsens in der Jugendarbeit und sexuellen Bildung (Göttingen) Wenn es um sexuelle Bildung geht, ist meist die Rede von Verhütung oder Gewaltprävention. Aber wo bleibt der Spaß? Wo sind die positiven Bilder? Wie unterstützen wir Jugendliche in einer Phase voller Neugier und Unsicherheit dabei, herauszufinden was sie wollen? Wie vermitteln wir Konsens als etwas Lustvolles, von dem alle profitieren? In dieser Fortbildung […]

Consent&Pleasure Consent & Pleasure deutsch und englisch What does your pleasure need to feel welcome? What kind of atmosphere enables great sex or play? How does good communication work for YOU? How can you co-create consensual interactions? On a scale from totally non-verbal to talking a lot, where do you feel comfortable or where do […]

The Art of Kissing

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland The Art of Kissing Do you love kissing and want to dive deeper into it? Or do you have no clue why people are so keen on this, but you are willing to give it another try? Do you kiss as a habit, but feel, like there could be more to explore? Did you […]

Consent&Pleasure WE!

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland The questions and topics stay the same, but this time, we have two days to dive deeper and explore consensual pathways into pleasure and ways to create consensual atmospheres and interactions. Looking forward to the journey with you! Consent & Pleasure What does your pleasure need to feel welcome? What kind of atmosphere enables […]

The Art of Kinky Kissing

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland

The Art of Kinky Kissing deutsch und englisch If you have enjoyed „The Art of Kissing“, you might want to go on this journey, too. In Part II, we will dive deeper into using kissing in BDSM. And this time, there will be some techniques to learn, more dynamics to explore and more communication about […]

Woher weiß ich, was ich will?

Other Nature Yorckstraße 75, Berlin, Germany

Woher weiß ich, was ich will? Woher weiß ich beim Sex eigentlich, was ich will? Muss ich überhaupt etwas wollen? Muss ich das wissen? Und wenn ja: Kommuniziere ich das? Und wie? Und wie ist das in anderen Bereichen? Weißt du da besser oder schlechter, was du (nicht) willst? Oder ist das ein generelles Thema? […]

The Art of Kissing

IKSK Holzmarkt 25, Berlin, Deutschland The Art of Kissing Do you love kissing and want to dive deeper into it? Or do you have no clue why people are so keen on this, but you are willing to give it another try? Do you kiss as a habit, but feel, like there could be more to explore? Did you […]